Community Sound Bath at the Art Lab
February 5 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
A Sound Bath is a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses sound to invite gentle, yet powerful, therapeutic and restorative processes to NURTURE YOUR MIND,BODY, and SPIRIT.
We begin our time together with a few minutes of intention setting, self reflection, and guided breath, while the remainder of the experience is filled with different sounds and frequencies being introduced in succession. The sounds are created by a variety of overtone-emitting instruments including chimes, gong, shruti box, Quartz crystal singing bowls, and voice.
When you sink into a Sound Bath and guide your awareness to your listening, you allow your brain waves to slow, shifting from a more active state to a deeply relaxed, dreamlike state. This is the art and practice of deep listening.
The sounds introduced during a Sound Bath are an invitation into a deeper state of consciousness, an opportunity to unplug from external stimuli and to gain perspective on what’s going on within you. The goal of the experience is to invite deep rest and relaxation, and explore self-inquiry and self-discovery. Upcoming Sound Baths: All Sound Baths are held at the Art Lab on the first Wednesday of every month. All are free to attend and open to the community.
We do have a capacity of 40, so please be sure to register in advance at https://cosmicheartarts.com/pages/sound-baths.
Upcoming Sound Baths:
All Sound Baths are held at the Art Lab on the first Wednesday of every month. All are free to attend and open to the community. We do have a capacity of 40, so please be sure to register in advance at https://cosmicheartarts.com/pages/sound-baths