This project is about creating art on a bicycle journey through the Rocky Mountains and sharing the experience. Jaime Gastelle is a local artist and accomplished her dream through Kickstarter, a project fundraising site.

Supporters pledged money to help her reach her goal of being able to travel by bike, and be able to stop and ‘plein air’ paint. In return all of the backers will receive artwork that was created on the journey. The art will be exhibited at the Art Lab of Fort Collins from Friday, August 16, through Saturday, August 31.

Join us for the reception on Saturday August 24, at 7:00pm for commentary from the artist and light refreshments.

Open Hours of Operation:

Thursdays (08/22 and 08/29): 4:33 to 8:33pm

Fridays (08/16, 08/23, and 08/30): 3:33 to 9:33pm

Saturdays (08/17, 08/24, and 08/31): 11:33am to 9:33pm

Sundays (08/18 and 08/25): 11:33am to 7:33pm