Colors of the Cosmos
February 29 - March 7
Welcome to Colors of the Cosmos, an art event for all community members of Fort Collins and surrounding areas! This event, hosted by Darien “D” Rosemann-Wright and The Art Lab, is not only showcase this local artist, it is also to create a space for anyone to come and make some art of their own! There will be craft tables for anyone to draw, color, or paint as well as two tarps where community members can throw paint or leave a hand print. Everyone is encouraged to wear as many colorful items as they can! It is DRW’s belief we are all created from stardust and clay; we each display the Colors of the Cosmos. This event is to celebrate our collective beauty! There is no admissions fee for Colors of the Cosmos, though donations* are welcome! Items will be available for purchase as well as a custom order sheet. D is a synesthetic artist and will be live painting throughout the event. Community Tarps and Live Paintings will be auctioned off (businesses, orgs, and individuals may bid) and money raised will go right back into our community. Colors of the Cosmos starts on Thursday, February 29, 2024 through Thursday, March 7, 2024, everyday from 12 pm – 8 pm. Let’s create something beautiful together!
*Donations may also include art/craft items!