Cultivation: A Collection
August 7, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Drawn to the natural processes and cycles within the environment, I focus on parallels that echo through the universe. My interdisciplinary background drives me to bring art into science and science into art. Autodidactic habits cause me to constantly seek out new information. The more I learn about the world and everything around me, the more beautiful it becomes. Inspired by the natural world and complex scientific concepts, I convey information through diagrammatic illustrations. My practice is just as varied as my knowledge base. I particularly gravitate toward drawing, painting, and printmaking, but I find it refreshing to use different mediums. Each has unique properties and rules that dictate expression that force me to think and articulate myself in different ways.
My previous stage in art was that of discovery and experimentation: learning what was out there and how to incorporate elements into my own practice. The present moment is that of refinement and evolution: discovering more about my surrounding environment and cultivating my own creative practice. I don’t feel as if I have “a style” yet. I’m not fluent in one visual language, but instead variable in scope.
This is my first independent exhibition.
At first it was daunting. I felt as if I must put my “best work” forward. I was plagued with figuring out how to start: my series, my portfolio, my practice — this show. However, my art isn’t the same, nor will it ever be the same as it is in this moment, so I should just relish in the discovery and journey of the moment.
The only way to progress is to begin.