Controversial Show Opens For First Friday Gallery Walk, November 4th, 2016 from 6-9pm

FRANKISM:THE RETROSPECTIVE is the incendiary and controversial new art show that will open its doors to the public at the Fort Collins Art Lab from 6-9pm this coming Friday night, November 4th, during the first Friday Gallery walk. 

Frankism. What is it? Well, what isn’t it? Quite simply Frankism is the movement before all movements: the “big bang” of Modernism, the first potent seed of dadaism, the seminal fluid of Surrealism, and quite simply the most innovative, invisible, groundbreaking, pioneering and incendiary movement in Art since the Lego Movie.

What will be the next great movement in the art world? To know the future, you have to know the past. And to know the past, you need to know Frank. So come to the Fort Collins Art Lab and experience the bizarre artistic journey of immortal Fort Collins Artist, Frank Stanley, perhaps the greatest – and heretofore unknown and unsung male art muse of the 20th century. 

Contact: Frank Stanley for more info: [email protected]