This weekend the Art Lab will be filled with live music, thanks to our house band the Art Lab Rats Friday night, and four wonderful young jazz musicians on Saturday. Check out the Happenings page for the scoop.


What do I do with my hands while I’m listening to all that wonderful live music?

As much as I love live music, sitting still has never been one of my strong suits. For hyperactive folks like me, we have fun “stuff” to do while we’re listening to the rad jamz of the Art Lab Rats. This weekend we’re filling the walls of Art Lab with Bigger than Life Paint by Number. Yep, you get to paint right on the walls of the Art Lab. The old wallpaper is too ugly for us to bear, so we’re fixing it with my favorite childhood memory — Paint by Number. Grab your favorite paint shirt and head to the Art Lab. The only problem we have is trying to decide between puppies, kitties or horsies.
