Are you READY?

Do you say YES to pushing out what weakens you and pull in what strengthens you? If so, come join our ” Mind blowing, body shifting, life changing ” sessions that bring together yoga and bootcamp enthusiasts. Bring your emotions to use them to empower, strengthen and invigorate you! Cara Faith is one out of the 7 certified instructors in Colorado. Her crazy fun yoga fitness bootcamp stations with uplift your mind and body. Bring a partner to enjoy the partner section where you will need, uplift and high five each other!

Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:45pm-6:45pm.

Bring: yoga mat, water and towel Cost: $12 drop in or $70 per month for both days.

Contact: Save your spot with Cara Faith 970-599-2163 does except credit cards . Why: You are Worthy.